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Strand Evil Eyes Bracelet 18K Gold Plated Adjustable Chain Protection Jewelry

Product Description

EVIL EYE Best Jewelry for Women

The meaning of Evil Eye jewelry is that they are designed to protect the wearer from evil and ward off the evil that has been directed at them. Wearing any piece of jewelry with the evil eye symbol on it provides the wearer with both power and protection against evil spirits or bad luck


Belief in the Evil eye, and the means by which to repudiate it, represents an important part of the human psyche - the collective need to understand and control the natural progression of our lives, as they are affected by illness and other seemingly unfair acts of nature, and to maintain in everything a fair and equitable balance.

Blue Evil Eye

The color of evil eye protection. The traditional color for good karma, positive energies, and protection against the evil eye.

Design Concept

The evil eye is a “look” or “stare” that is believed to bring bad luck for the person at whom it is directed for reasons of envy or dislike. It is a curse or legend believed to be cast by this malevolent glare and usually given to a person unaware.

Women Protection Necklace

This is a simple but eye-catching necklace. It´s a great look for daytime, elegant, clean line, fashion, and urban look.

Our Small Business

My name is Leslie Burgos and together with my mother Gladys we have created this beautiful jewelry project called Leslie Boules.

Leslie Boules is a brand that is born from the desire to create new jewelry accessories that accompany us daily, make us look fashionable and elevate our spirit, our models are made with passion because we like and use what we do, quality and excellence. We invite you to buy and use Fashion Jewelry by Leslie Boules.